Pacific Private Clinic Case Study


Pacific Private Clinic, Southport QLD

Key Achievements:

- New Revenue Source for the Asset

- Equitable Parking Allocation for all

- Secure & Transparent Parking Management

Pacific Private Clinic is a seven-level medical office & day surgery located at 123 Nerang Street in the established Southport medical precinct. The property houses approximately 18 tenants including Nexus, Tasman Health, Qscan, QML Pathology and other clinical specialists in Ear Nose and Throat and Diagnostic Services. The property has both a Ground and a three level Basement Car Park accommodating approximately 228 vehicles. Tenant & Patient satisfaction with parking availability at this property was low due to lack of availability and traffic congestion. Coupled with the introduction of 24/7 Day Surgery, Building Management were motivated to implement a car park management solution to provide equitable allocation of parking to all stakeholders and enhanced property security.

In March 2024, InterOffice installed our OpusPark solution to address Tenant and Patient Parking. Engaging directly with the Tenants to understand their users and usage profile (ie Staff Rosters, Visiting Medical Officers, Patient appointment duration), InterOffice were able to design a bespoke offering which catered to their various requirements.

OpusPark’s modular access caters for tailored permissions, ensuring that Staff had access to Reserved Car Bays or Pooled Car Bays, whilst Patients and Visitors had access to clearly signed Patient Parking Bays.

The successful introduction of Paid Parking for Patients / Visitors, was underpinned by a series of Tenant Communication, ample Signage, intuitive and accessible Payment Kiosks. Paid Parking delivered on the intended objective of equitable parking allocation, turnover of bays and unlocked a new revenue generation source for the Building. In addition, provision of real-time 24/7 Monitoring added security, operational efficiency and user satisfaction to all stakeholders.

OpusPark optimised car bay administration and bay utilisation for Pacific Private Clinic’s users via its smart digital parking solution and delivered on the Building Management’s objective to provide equitable parking allocation for all stakeholders, seamless free-flow traffic and a new revenue stream for the asset.